Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Design Manifesto

Step one: research statements about design by two designers or design movements by whom/which you feel inspired.
Step two: write a statement that expresses your own beliefs as you know them at this point.
Step three: create an artifact that expresses, contains, or celebrates your personal statment.

Concept Statement
“The architect…must be looked upon as something much more than a designer of buildings- lovely, elegant, charming, and efficient- though they may be. His greater role is that of being the delineator, the definer, the engraver of the history of his time.”
-Eugene Raskin, Architecture and People, 1974

As designers we are to understand the wants of the client, and the deeper meanings that lie within those wants and desires. The same way colors have special meanings, so do the desires of our clients have special meanings. These meanings can be achieved through and by adding color to a space like during the time of the cubist and destijl movements, colors were chosen to highlight or achieve a certain mood or feeling. This continues to apply in design today. We as designers are forced to thing outside the box of mediocrity and design extraordinary designs for clients by seeing the deeper meaning within their desire and needs.at expresses, contains, or celebrates your personal statement.

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